Read If You Want: You're a Security Guard (because you need money for rent) and your job is to watch cameras, save power, and not die.

Fun Fact: This is one of my biggest creations yet and it took me 9 months to finish

Play on scratch : Six Nights at Kieth's on Scratch (

if you die, refresh the page

my hands hurt

Updated 8 days ago
Published 18 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Android, HTML5


Six Nights at Kieth's (2).zip 105 MB
Six Nights at Kieth's.html 25 MB

Install instructions

1: dont change none of the code in the html, go to the scratch link to change things.

2: extract it  to a different folder  and click "Six Nights At Kieths" or the  six-nights-at-kieths.exe file